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公司名称: DaXingAnLing Lingonberry Organic Foodstuffs Co., Ltd. 
所在省份: 黑龙江 
成立日期: 2002 
注册资金: 500万 - 1000万 
员工数量: 101 - 500 人 
年销售额: 1000万 - 5000万 
主要产品: plant extract  
公司简介: DaXingAnLing Lingonberry Organic Foodstuffs Co., Ltd.
is a high-tech enterprise specialized in plant extract and foodstuffs. The company was founded
on April in 2002, and registered by Administration Bureau for Industry and Commerce.
Its fixed assets is 9.2 million RMB, annual revenue 10 million RMB, with a factory of 50,000 square
meter, 125 employees, 22 technology engineers. 
DaXingAnLing Lingonberry Organic Foodstuffs Co., Ltd. / 黑龙江 / 1 LuShui Road, SongLing District, DaXingAnLing City, HeiLongJian (161000) / 电话:0086-452-6105888

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